Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Financial Management Essay

Introduction In this assignment I will be researching and discussing how to manage my own personal finances. For this I will have to research sources of income and write about different types of employment and unemployment. The affect these have on salaries and wages will also be investigated. I have also been asked to research and summarise allowances and benefits. As part of the management of my personal finances I must produce a personal budget over a specific period of time, on completion of this I will pair with a partner and discuss my findings. Task 3 Why is it important for me to manage my personal finance? * To help not to run out of money * Help me with budgeting * Scarce resource * Savings * Paying bills * Living alone * Managing money is skill Task 4 Jobseekers allowance Jobseekers allowance would be paid to me if I am eligible for it and looking for (seeking) work. I also would have to be age 16 or over to be able to receive jobseekers allowance. This source of income is relevant for me because I am over the age of 16, living on my own and I am currently looking for work. Income support Income support provides financial help for people ages 16 and over, who have low income or no money coming in at all. This money is for people who are not currently seeking work. This money is to help people with day to day living. Income support is relevant to me because this is the situation I am currently living in and I also receive income support myself. Child benefit Child benefit is parents that have children under the age of 16 or children under 19 in full time education. Child benefit is no longer relevant to me because I do not live will my mother any more. Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they don’t cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. Working families’ Tax Credit Working Tax Credit is for people who are employed or self-employed, over the aged of 16 and are working at least 16 hours a week. They also have to have at least one child. In couples, one person has to choose who receives the tax credits. The amount of tax credits they receive will depend on their annual income. Tax credits are not relevant for me because I am not responsible for any children and I am not currently working. Task 5 When preparing for employment the documents I would need: * CV * Covering letter * Application form * National insurance number * Bank details * Qualification certificates * P45 (maybe not for me yet) CV I would need a CV so that the employers get a brief summary of my qualifications and experience to-date. It would include the school and college I have attended. It will also include my past work experience. My CV will now include that I have recently worked at Superdrug. My CV will also have my references. References are very important as the employers may want to contact the referees to confirm I have the qualifications for the job, and if I am reliable and trustworthy enough for the job. Covering letter A covering letter is needed because it is a part of the formal requirement. It will show the employer where I heard about the advert and why I feel I would be right for the job. Application form Application forms are used to help the employer to separate the good candidates from the not so good candidates. They are also used to find out about information and candidates background. National Insurance No. Every one that has the right to work in the UK has the right to a national insurance number once they reach the age of 16. The national insurance number will show what national insurance contributions the worker pays over the course of his/her working life and also the contribution employers have made. Bank details Bank details are required in order for the employer to give you your wages. Wages are now paid by direct transfer from the employer to the bank account of the employee. Qualification certificates Proof of GCSE’s and past qualifications are important because the employer will expect me to have certain right qualification in order to have the job. Superdrug have specific qualifications that are required, these are called essential qualifications. Task 6 Types of employment Self employment Being self employed is when you do not work for anyone else you have your own business. For example owning your own sweets shop is self employment. The income of the sweets shop will come from the customers who purchase the sweets. The income may also come from the bank if you borrow money. Freelance Freelancers are a different type of self employment. Instead of owning their own business they sell their services by working for different businesses. For example a freelance hair dresser would not have their own hairdressing business they would get to all kinds of other businesses and do hairdressing. Employee Employees are people who work for someone who controls what work they do. The employer is in charge of the employee’s income and deducts national insurance from the employee’s wages or salary. As long as they is someone handling your wages before you get them you are an employee. Task 8 Key points of each job Job title Retail manager Tasks to be carried out Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops. They look after staff management, including taking on and training new staff, maintaining a good standard of customer care and increasing sales and profitability. Their duties usually include: * Making sure premises and displays are well maintained * Organising stock checking and re-ordering as necessary, through computerised or manual systems * Making sure targets are reached and all opportunities are taken to increase sales and profitability * Organising sales promotions * Recruiting, interviewing and training staff * Dealing with queries or complaints from customers Skills required A retail manager should: * Know the company’s products and procedures well * Be committed to providing a high standard of customer service * Be able to lead and motivate a team * Have good knowledge of legal an d security issues * Have relevant commercial skills for business Qualifications required There are no set academic requirements to work in retail, although employers may prefer employees to have at list five GCSE’s grades A-C and have some working experience in retail. Useful qualifications would include: * BTEC national reward in retail * OCR certificate in retail * BTEC Higher National Diploma in retail management * Degree in retail management Individual qualities required * Be confident, energetic and quick thinking * Have excellent spoken English and written communication skills * Be able to take responsibility and make decisions * Have a smart appearance * Be organised * Be able to deal effectively with problems and complaints Wage/salary Starting salaries are usually from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12,000 Experienced managers may earn from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15,000 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½26,000 Managers of large stores may earn up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½65,000 or more. Job title Retail assistant Tasks to be carried out A retail assistant is responsible for making customers feel at ease when shopping and browsing around the store, directing them towards products and accepting payments. This job generally includes: * Restocking shelves and making sure merchandise is presented neatly * Greeting customers and answering enquiries about products * Operating computerised tills and barcode readers to scan items * Accepting payments for goods and wrapping them * Checking for stock items and ordering goods Skills required * To be accurate and thorough, even under pressure * To be trustworthy- they may be dealing with expensive products and large amounts of cash * To understand and follow company’s policies for health and safety and hygiene * Stamina, in order to serve on the shop floor for long periods Qualification required Employers set their own qualification requirements. But usually look for good communication skills, a pleasant personality and look for at least to two to four GCSE grades. Individual qualities required * Have an approachable, polite manner * Have good communication skills * Have a smart personal appearance * Enjoy providing a good level of customer service Wage/salary Starting salaries for a retail assistant is around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½9,000 a year An experienced retail assistant may earn around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11,500 a year. Task 9 Why I think I am suitable for each job Retail assistant I think that I am suitable to work as a retail assistant because I have relevant experience within the retail industry. I have recently completed a 2 week work placement at Superdrug which is in the retail sector. During this period I was privileged to be responsible for replenishing stock, providing customer advice and keeping the shop floor tidy. This placement enabled me to develop vital skills such as team working, numeracy and customer service skills which are all needed in order to become a successful retail assistant. This work placement was a part of my BTEC introductory business coarse this qualification will also enable me to qualify to work as retail assistant. Retail manager I am qualified to work in the retail sector as a retail assistant but in order to qualify as a retail manager I would have to finish my BTEC introductory coarse and then go on to study for three more years to receive a BTEC national certificate in business. After this I would then need to go and study a degree in retail management in order to qualify for this job. I have good interpersonal and communication skills and while on my work experience I enjoyed providing good customer service these skills would help me with working toward becoming a retail manager. Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops this may include Organising sales promotions and recruiting, interviewing and training staff. Task 10 Wage/salary deductions Gross pay Gross pay the amount of money an employee earns before any deductions are made such as tax or national insurance. Net pay Net pay is the money employees actually get for them to spend. National insurance contributions National insurance contributions is an amount of money that the employee has to pay towards there employers this is deducted by the employer from the employees wages. If you are self employed you also have to pay national insurance contribution, this is a small monthly payment and then a lump sum at the end of the year. National insurance code National insurance codes indicate an employee’s marital status and how long an employee has been working. Income tax There is a certain amount of money that every body is allowed to earn before they have to pay income tax, this is called personal tax allowances currently for people under the age of 65 this is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5,225 a year. If you earn any more than this you will have to pay income tax, how much you pay will depend on how much money you earn. Pensions/superannuation Pensions are long time investments that are designed to provide you with money in your old age when you are not able to work any more. The earlier you start your pension the more you get when you retire. Employees are usually offered a pension scheme when the start there job. The employer pays a contribution to your pension fund and so does the employee this is deducted out of the employee’s wages before it get to them. Union subscriptions A union is a large group of workers in a particular industry or profession. Unions provide benefits such as legal advice and can also provide support in cases of unfair treatment or dismissal. To subscribe employees would have to pay fees this is sometimes deducted from the employees wages before it is received or the employee can pay the fees themselves but it is not compulsory. Task 11 Allowances and Benefits Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they don’t cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. This benefits me because its helps me to save money gives me more money to spend on more important things. Council tax Council tax is an amount of money you pay if you are renting out a council property or of you have you own property with a certain amount of people living in there. Council tax paid to pay the council for giving you their service of letting you live in their property and council tax also pay for things like people cleaning the streets. Interest from savings Interest from savings is when you put money into the bank or a financial institution and earn extra money on top. This is called interest. When you get interest you have to pay income tax on that interest, the bank usually deducts the tax before pay the interest. This benefits me because I regularly put savings into my bank account. Inherited money Most people decide to leave money to their relatives when they die, this is called inheritance. Inheritance could be a small or large amount of money and it may be necessary to pay inheritance tax on it. Borrowed money Borrowed money is anything from a loan to a bank overdraft. Money can also be borrowed from a relative or close friend in this case the money you have borrowed is the money you pay back. If you take out a loan or overdraft which is quit a large amount of money this usually involves paying back the money monthly and each month interest is added on top of the money that you are paying. This result in you paying more that you actually took in the first place, it is much wiser that you save your money for whatever you want to get therefore you will earn interest on your money rather that earning it. Working Families Tax Credit Working families’ tax credits is for people who have at least one child under the age of 16 or 19 in full time education and earn an income which is below a certain level. The person has to be working at least 16 hours a week and must have savings below à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8000. this does not apply to me as I am not eligible for this because I have no children. Task 14 Explanation of how I planned my personal finances Spend or save As soon as I receive my money I spend it on things that I need such as food shopping and rent. Any money left over would get spent on the gym and my mobile phone then the rest would get put aside as my savings. Gambling Gambling is when you pay money hoping for a chance of winning more money. Doing this is dangerous because you are not guaranteed your money. Gambling is very addictive and if done regularly this could put you into debt that why I choose not to go down this road. Spending habits When I receive my money on a weekly basis I try and spend as little as possible on food shopping so that I have money left over for myself to spend on small luxuries for example a meal out with my friends. I sometimes tend to spend too much on luxuries and this sometimes gets me into problems but I always have someone at hand to help me. Money and lifestyle At the moment the amount of money I receive doesn’t allow me to have the best of lifestyles but it is enough to put clothes on my back and to buy me shopping every week. To achieve the lifestyle I want I would need to find at least a part time job so I can earn more money than I’m getting now. My expectations of work and money As long as I have enough money to buy me some food and to pay the rent I am ok for the moment. But I would like a bit more than that for example going on holidays and buying the latest clothing. To do this I would need to find a job and also make sure that I handle my personal finances correctly and do some budgeting for these luxuries. Short term accounts Every week I receive my income support into my bank account. I am currently using a current account all my bills are paid out of this account and all my Ema payment come into this account. I also have a short term savings account which I put money into every week. I use this account when I run out of money or need to pay for something important e.g. phone bill. Long term accounts A long term savings account is an account that allows you to build up interest on money that you are saving over a number of years. An example could be an ISA, this is an individual savings account because it is tax free provided the amount saved each year doesn’t exceed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3,000. The interest is cumulative which means the amount of interest plus capital will increase year on year. Another example of a long term account is a bank loan. A bank loan is usually drawn over a long period. This is a lump sum of money that I borrowed from the bank and paid off over a long period of time. For example a mortgage is paid over a period of 25 years. Cheque book A cheque is a promise to pay someone in place of cash. When you are writing a cheque you write down exactly how much you are going to pay the person. The person then takes the cheque to the bank and waits for it to clear this takes between 3-5 days. It is important to make sure that you have the right amount of money in your bank so you don’t go into debt. It is also important to keep a record of any cheques that have been written, this can be done by using stubs which are left in the cheque book after you tear it out to pay someone. The stubs are there so that you can note down the details of the cheque and will help keep track of your money. Credit cards A credit card is a card that you can use to pay for items of clothing or products. This card however gives you money on it but you have to pay it back you are also given a credit limit. To avoid spending more money than you actually have you should usually pay back the money within a month if the money is paid after this you will be charged interest. If you go over the limit that the company has given you interest will also be added. Also you can check how much money you are spending by checking a mini statement that you can get from a cash point. Debit cards Debit cards are cards that have your own money that you put on to the card. You can use this card to purchase virtually anything but instead of having a credit limit of borrowed money you are actually using your own money to purchase goods. A debit card allows you to take cash out of ATMs if you have enough money in your account. To see how much funds you have in your account through an ATM you are given a pin number by your bank to memorise this then allows you to draw cash from the machines and purchase items in shops. To check that no-one is stealing from you or to make sure you are not spending more money than your supposed to it is good to check your bank statement each month these are sent to you by your bank. The bank statement show how much money you had in your account originally, then show all payments that were taken out of that money. You can then check if there are any payments that you are unsure of or if any mistakes were made in you transactions. Paying bills Bills can be paid using direct debit or standing orders. This is when you money is taken out of you account and paid to a business for example, BT telephone company at the same time every month. This can help with budgeting, as you will know how much money is going out every month. To check that you are not paying out more than you’re supposed to you can check the phone bill you receive every month. Remaining in credit It is important to manage your account carefully to ensure you stay in credit. You must make sure that when you making payments such as cheques and debit cards you have enough money to make those payments. If not you account will go in to debt and you will be charged fines for doing this, it will also build up a bad credit rating which will make it hard for you to get a mortgage or a credit card in the future. Task 16 Summary of holiday budget activity Why do you think it is important to manage your personal finances? I think it is important for me to manage my finances because it helps me to pay all my bills on time without getting into to debt. It also allows me to put money aside for unexpected emergencies. Managing my personal finances is a very important skill. This skill is extremely important if I would like to start my own business or borrow money from a bank. Managing my money correctly will enable me to live quiet a prosperous life in the long run. Did you find it easy or difficult to manage the finances given in exercises? – give reasons I found managing finances quiet hard because you have to keep track of the money coming out of my income every week and there were a lot of different bills to pay and they were all different amounts. I also had to keep track of my spending at the same time to make sure that I didn’t get into debt this was really difficult because you can get carried away when your sending your money on luxuries. After all that I have to calculate the total regular expenditure and then work out if I had any money left over to put aside as savings, overall this task was very challenging but it taught me a lot about how to manage my own finances. What did you learn from the exercise on budgeting over a period of time? From doing the budgeting exercise I learnt that saving the little scraps of money here and there builds up into to something big. Also cutting down on luxuries also helps in the long run because the money you have saved enables you to get those luxuries if you just give time. This budgeting exercise also taught me how to calculate my net cash flow which I previously did not know how to do. I also learnt that budgeting is important for everyone because it stop many people from getting into to debt and also helps them to save considerable amount of money. Bibliography BTEC introduction business-published by Heinemann in 2005 Heinemann Educational Publishers Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ ISBN 978 0 435401 21 4 John Ruskin college intranet site Unit 6 Financial Management

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Obesity Epidemic Among African American Women

Chapter II Review of Literature We know that the problem of obesity is a world-wide epidemic and is becoming an even greater threat to the United States. Currently the U. S is the world’s most obese country and with a large margin between second place (James, Leach,  Kalamara, Shayegh 2001). America is also the front runner in a new trend: morbid obesity. Not only does America have the highest population of obese individuals, America also has the largest population of morbidly obese individuals (World Health Organization 2009).Morbid obesity affects both males and females of all ages and ethnicities from different socioeconomic statuses, however, the Black female population that has been affected the most (Lorenzen, (2010). This trend of overweight Black American females has only recently become an epidemic (Davis, 2008). What if any factors played into this abrupt change in obesity levels of the Black-American woman? Obesity and BMI Obesity can be classified as a condition characterized by excessive body fat to the magnitude that is becomes detrimental to one’s health (Ho-Pham, et al. , 2010).There are different methods to measuring ones body mass index with the more common methods being height to weight ratio measurement, waist to hip ratio measurement, skin fold tests, and bioelectrical impedance measurement. For most of these references BMI’s were calculated between a mixture of bioelectrical impedance and skin fold measurement tests. A person should have a BMI of 18. 5 to 24. 99 be considered â€Å"normal† (World Health Organization, 2010). Once a BMI reaches 30 or greater the individual is classified as obese. The term obesity is broken down into 3 different Body Mass Index (BMI) classifications. Having a BMI greater than 30. is considered Class I Obesity. A BMI greater than 35. 0 is considered Class II Obesity and a BMI greater than 40. 0 is Class III Obesity or morbid obesity (World Health Organization, 2000). The Obesity E pidemic Obesity is a worldwide epidemic (Deitel, 2003). 1 out of every 10 adults suffering from obesity worldwide (WHO, 2009) and this number will be doubled by 2015 (Withrow, Alter, 2011). Stemming from this large occurrence there are over 2. 5 million obesity related deaths worldwide each year (CDC 2011). However in America the problem is even greater in that 35. 7 percent of the adult population is obese (CDC 2011).The most current figures available come from a 2005-2006 survey station that 6 percent of Americans suffer from morbid obesity (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2012). The obesity epidemic in the United States represents a critical public health crisis. The increase in obesity can be directly linked to the increase of other major health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, and poor health status ( Mokdad, et al. , 2001). Not only does it encompass life threatening consequences such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases but it also results in major healthcare costs (Brown, et al. 2009). The United States spends upwards of $147 billion annually in obesity related healthcare costs (The Washington Post). The rise in obesity is giving way to a new epidemic- morbid obesity. Morbid Obesity and Women Morbid obesity is classified as having a BMI greater than 50. 0 (Strum, 2007). Like in obese people, morbid obese people see the same list of health complications such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, infertility and breathing problems such as asthma and sleep apnea to more severe problems such as diabetes and high premature mortality rates.Both obesity and morbid obesity are a major problem in the United States. It is apparent that morbid obesity is on the rise in the U. S however it is more prevalent in women than in men. Morbid obesity tends to affect women more than men. Currently morbid obesity cases affect females 24% more than males and it is estimated that by the year 2020, 40. 2% o f men will be obese with 3. 1% of that population being morbidly obese and 43. 3% of women will be obese with 5. 8% of that population being morbidly obese (C. J. Ruhm, 2007).Morbid Obesity in Black-American Women Morbid obesity continues to rise throughout America however the most significant increase is seen in Black women. Over 78% of Black-American women are overweight or obese (Davis, 2008), and it is predicted that by 2030, 96. 9% of Black women will be either overweight or obese (Wang, et al. , 2008). In 2002 morbid obesity among Black-American women was more than double that among White and Mexican-American women. 13. 5 % of Black-American women were morbidly obese as opposed to 5. 5% and 5. % in White and Mexican-American women (Wang, Beydoun, 2007). Why it is that Black women are most vulnerable to not only obesity, but to morbid obesity? Could socioeconomics place a factor in these figures? A study was done in 2007 that looked at race, socioeconomic status and food qualit y availability. It was found that in low income urban areas, there was significantly less access to not only major food chains but foods of quality such as fresh fruits and vegetables while having a significantly higher access to convenience store than the rest of the population. Powella, et al. , 2007). Since majority of low income urban areas are made up of black residents then why aren’t Black men’s morbid obesity rates just as high? Both Black men and Black women of the same socioeconomic status have the same access to the same food distribution centers. Both also share the same body compositions as naturally having a greater lean mass to fat mass ratio (Flegal, Carroll, C. L. Ogden, Curtin, 2010). Could there be another factor playing a role in Black women’s prevalence to morbid obesity? Body ImageA study was conducted at Tennessee State University where 218 Black- American females were asked to rate their body image confidence. The findings of this study s uggested that the obese and morbidly obese women rated themselves as having a high level of body image confidence and life satisfaction as opposed to that of the women who were normal or overweight (Lorenzen, L. , 2010). Another study was conducted in 2007 looking at the preferred body images between 80 White- American and 80 Black-American participants. All participants were asked to look at female models and silhouettes of women.The models BMI’s ranged from low to obese. From there the participants were asked to rate each model and silhouette. The study found that there was a significant difference in ratings between Black- American and White-American participants in that model silhouettes with a higher BMI received higher attractiveness ratings amongst the Black-American participants than compared to White-American participants (Davis 2008). Although these studies yielded relatively small samples the results are conclusive in that Black-Americans view a female with a large r BMI as having a more attractive body image.This obesity epidemic in Black-American women is fairly new. If we go back only a few decades ago, the obesity rates of Black- American women has doubled between 1988 and 2004. In addition, various longitudinal studies have shown that there are higher rates of weight gain in black women than in white women. Also during the first BMI examinations in the 1970s, white and black girls had similar levels of BMI but the annual increase in BMI were 30-40% larger among the black girls throughout both childhood and adulthood (Freedman et al, 2005).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Toyota Production system Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Toyota Production system - Research Paper Example TPS is an integrated socio-technical system developed by Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo, and Eiji Toyoda. This system includes its management philosophy and practices. It assists Toyota in organizing its manufacturing activities and logistics and in effective interaction with suppliers and customers. The major objectives of TPS include resolution on the overburden, inconsistency, and elimination of waste. As Basu points out, this system addresses seven kinds of waste such as waste of overproduction, waste of time on hand, waste in transportation, waste of processing itself, waste of stock on hand, waste of movement, and waste of making defective products (Basu 11). Toyota believes that quality management is the key to global competitiveness and hence the company deploys the TPS as a tool for meeting customer tastes and preferences. The most fascinating feature of the TPS is that it can accurately identify wastes in production and effectively optimize various scheduling processes. In the view of some experts, the greatest strength of TPS is the way it develops people. Unlike a push system where employees just work according to the instructions they are given, the TPS greatly fosters employee creativity and this situation benefits the company to improve its productivity. In TPS, T stands for ‘Thinking’ as well as ‘Toyota’. The TPS encourages Toyota workers to come up with revolutionary production techniques and unique ideas that would contribute to the firm’s market competitiveness. It is noted that this system is highly potential to develop efficient leaders who can thoroughly understand various processes and hence train others. In addition, TPS is a better tool to develop exceptional teams of employees that can properly follow the company’s philosophy. Similarly, this system greatly aids the organization to cut lead-time by eliminating all the bits

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Academic Case Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Academic Case Report - Assignment Example The company started to bring about few changes in the company business policies which has brought many problems in the company’s culture and has reduced the morale of the employees (Boeing, 2014). It did face many problems in implementing the latest technology in the business operations and mainly in its production process thus struggled in huge way to maintain the efficiency of the employees and also the productivity of the company has gone down by huge percentage. In this case analysis the Six-Box Organizational Model is been used to get the exact cause of the problems that Boeing is facing based on which certain recommendations are been given to the company so that the company can improve it its operations. The model will help the company to understand the right cause where it needs to concentrate and improve upon to make sure that they don’t face the same problem again in future. The model used to analyze this case is the six-box organization model. The organizational diagnosis for the change is done by defining the problem and using a particular pattern for correctly analyzing the problem in the company, collection of the data, than analyzing the particular data based on which the right problems can be understood. This will help the company to understand the exact things that are to be done to solve the problems and improve the current situation. Marvin R. Weisbord developed the Six-Box model for analyzing the problems in the organization. This model has six main categories which are been used to conduct the diagnosis of the organizations current scenario. These six categories are relationships, helpful mechanisms, rewards, purpose, structure and leadership. To perform this model it is very necessary to know the exact reason behind the diagnosis and what is really to be diagnosed. The identification and solving of the problem is been done in a systematic ma nner and by the same people thus

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing the Performance of Individuals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing the Performance of Individuals - Essay Example This paper presents a case study analysis based on â€Å"Bad bosses: The Psycho-path to Success† and examines how corporate psychopaths are challenging the success pathways of the organization. The first part of this paper presents an overview of how psychopaths operate in the business world and what strategies to be considered to identify them. The second part presents a critical examination of whether the case presents an appropriate overview of issues of corporate psychopathy. Answer- 1- How psychopaths operate in the business world? Psychopaths are those people who, due to abnormal brain connectivity and other mental disabilities, lack a conscience and exhibit few emotions and inability to have any feelings, sympathy or empathy for others or their feelings. The psychopathy is mainly caused by abnormal connectivity and chemistry in the area of amygdala of brain as this area is highly critical segment of brain for processing socially relevant information (Boddy, 2011, p. 256 ). This gives a scientific explanation for how and why psychopathy leads to socially inappropriate behavior that causes organizational losses and destruction. People who are almost psychopaths or subclinical psychopaths are found in business world as they are attracted to money and power and that they have intruded upstanding positions in corporate and in the society. Schouten (2012, p. 147) emphasized that psychopaths are not only in prisons, but also in Stock Exchanges and that they can create havoc by creating dissention in sales or other departments through their charming, manipulative, credit-stealing or colleague-blaming conducts. Voigt (2012) underscores in his article ‘Bad Bosses- the Psycho path to success’ a famous comment by Dr. Robert Hare that there are many psychopaths in the boardroom,. Organizational or corporate psychopaths are estimated to be between 1 to 5 percent of the total population (Boddy, 2006, p. 1461) and this highlights the view that one in 25 business leaders are found to be psychopaths (Morris, 2011). A study conducted by New York psychologist Paul Babiak suggested that psychopaths in the business world play with their charm and by manipulating others and thus they disguise the business conditions by hiding behind their supreme positions. Successful psychopaths are those who effectively encroach in to the highest levels of management and business leadership positions and they use their charm and manipulation to exhibit fewer transgressions. One of the most significant characteristics of psychopaths, especially in the business world, is that they have no conscience and are incapable of experiencing others’ feelings. Boddy (2006, p. 1461) described that psychopaths tend to appear to be worthy of promotion and are behaving as smooth and adroit in manipulating conversations to whatever they want to talk or justify about. Psychopaths in the business are found to be willing to put others down and are accomplished li ars. For fulfilling individual ambition or to behave with bias and prejudice, the psychopaths in the business and management levels are often ruthless and opportunistic and are calculating without remorse. Corporate psychopaths are able to get employed and to climb up the organizational hierarchy with their charm

Imagine that you are hanny write a letter to the roadman thank him for Essay

Imagine that you are hanny write a letter to the roadman thank him for his help tell him your real reason for doing this job - Essay Example A few months ago I met a gentleman by the name of Franklin P Scudder, who was in the knowledge of a German plot against England and who solicited my services. Sad to say, but when I returned to my premises after some time, I found Scudder murdered in cold blood. I decided to run away into hiding for many reasons. First I was scared that the people who murdered Scudder will also murder me. Second, I believed that the police will suspect me for the murder of Scudder. Third I wanted to get to the depth of the conspiracy narrated to me by Scudder. When I met you, I was actually being pursued by both the police and the German spies. It was only because of your help that I survived and managed to unravel this conspiracy against Britain, well in time. Thanks a lot for whatever you did for me and the country. Sincere regards, Richard Hannay.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rule of Law - UK law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rule of Law - UK law - Essay Example This drawback was recently remedied substantially, albeit not completely, by the Constitutional Reform Act 2005.1 For instance, there is now a Supreme Court under Part 3 of the law which has taken over the judicial powers of the House of Lords which used to have appellate jurisdiction. Being then all under the Queen, the rule of law was said to be hinged on her sovereignty in the parliament which makes laws and on her sovereignty in the courts which interpret and apply the law. From within this ambit was derived the structure of the so-called twin foundations. While it is true that the duties and functions of the Queen are more ceremonial, there are still aspects over which she wields power which she may exercise at will. Important examples are her needed assent for the final enactment of a bill into law and her influence over the appointment of the Prime Minister and the other members of the cabinet because of the need for the Queen's formal consent. Although reduced in the course o f history, the supremacy of the monarchy can still be felt. As a matter of fact, there were, and still there are, moves to abolish it on the strong suggestions that it is inutile and hugely expensive.2 Some claim that a democratic standard republic will be a better and effective form.3 Another aspect in the United Kingdom government worth pondering is that it does not have a complete written set of codified laws and that includes its own constitution. Case laws which are actually compilations of decided or accepted jurisprudence have a lot to do in the law-making processes which are, ironically, borne out of judicial pronouncements. This means that what the courts resolved would become laws. Stated straightforwardly, therefore, the makers of the law interpret the law in the event of a controversy or in incidents where there are doubts in construing that particular law. Incidentally, with the new Constitutional Reform Act 2005, the new Supreme Court may be able to thresh out all the possible hitches. Since the high court started working only on October 1, 2009, a lot of patience is needed until the intended reforms are made effective slowly and gradually in the mainstream of justice administration. Along this line, it can be hoped in large part that the new law for constitutional reform will bring about positive changes.4 The twin foundations of the Queen's sovereignty During one of the deliberations of the constitutional reform bill, the Law Lords had the occasion to mention the ruling in X v Morgan Gramplan (Publishers) Ltd. which enunciated the principle that the rule of law in the United Kingdom is founded on both the Queen's sovereignty in the parliament which is charged with the enactment of laws and the Queen's sovereignty over judicial proceedings particularly those administered by the House of Lords in its duties anent appellate jurisdiction.5 It has always been debated if the somewhat irregular or abnormal circumstance contradicts the precepts on separation of powers. It is like taking exceptions on one person being the prosecutor, the judge and the executioner. The notion has a direct correlation with the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Write's choice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Write's choice - Assignment Example The other second question is; what were Matt’s stepping stones to become CEO. He started as accountant then editor and he played a very important role in building business at Holiday World when he was the project manager. This helped him to gain recognition for the hard work and enabled him to climb the ladder to a higher position. I believe that for someone to climb the ladder to the position of CEO, that parson should have proved that he is experienced and capable of steering the company to greater heights through his performance in other aspects of the organization. Who is the biggest competitor based on consumer perceptions? Dollywood and Silver Dollar City are seen as the best competitors in this business but what has to be taken into account is the fact that they do not provide direct competition. By virtue of the fact that they are located in distant areas, it can be noted that they do not give direct competition. In my own opinion, I believe that the aspect of proximity or closeness to each other plays a pivotal role in determining the nature of competition. Competition is intense when the companies are located closer to each other. In this case it is weak since the competitors are located in distant areas. What are the marketing strategies that you use in your operations? He stated that advertising tools such as billboards, radio, website as well as TV and radio were mostly used since these are popular and can be easily accessed by the targeted audiences. I concur with him as a result of the fact that television for instance is the most popular medium to families and it can be effectively used to market the services offered by Holiday

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

Reading response - Essay Example This paper examines the components and elements of the Kennan Telegram. George Kennan was an advisor at the US embassy in Moscow and he had a critical review and analysis of the Soviet Union and how they sought to pursue their foreign policy against Capitalist nations and non-friendly nations. In his telegram, George Kennan stated that the Soviet Union sought to promote and export their Communist ideology and promote revolutions in Capitalist nations. He stated in his telegram that â€Å"In course of further development of international revolution there will emerge two centers of world significance: a socialist center and drawing to itself the countries which tend toward socialism, and a capitalist center, drawing to itself the countries that incline toward capitalism.† This was at the center of Truman’s doctrine and later the presentation of the need to prevent the domino effect of Communism (Miscamble 54). This was central in shaping American Cold War ideology. The telegram also warned of the Soviet strategy of implanting Marxists in foreign nations to try to promote Marxism through spies. This formed the basis for the probing of various internal elements in the United States. This claim gained significance when the Soviet Union acquired nuclear weapons and there were accusations that US spies were involved in the process. This led to â€Å"Macarthyism† which became a byword for the targeting and persecution of suspected Soviet spies (Lacey 211). Kennan’s telegram also sought to present an argument for the presentation of the Soviet Union as an aggressive nation that sought to exert its expansionist policy in various forms similar to the methods used in imperialist Russia (Lacey 211). This presented the Soviet Union as a threat to the American people and prompt action against the Soviet Union In conclusion, Kennan’s telegram was a strong and critical message that presented the Marxist and expansionist ideology of the Soviet Union to the US

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Personnel Management in Transition by Frederick Taylor Essay

Personnel Management in Transition by Frederick Taylor - Essay Example These were the most commonly used methods of work force organization. They were characterized by high levels of division and specialization of labour. These were viewed as the motivating factors for workers as well as increasing their output (Redman, T. and Wilkinson, A. 2006 86-93). In the early 20th century, Frederick Taylor developed principles whereby workers worked through division of labor and a performance based remuneration. Each worker was to be allocated a particular task in a bid to save time and increase production. Fordism took the same perspective of division of labor. It was mainly targeting division of labor in large industries with a characteristic high mechanization where by the process of production of is arranged in a sequence, with each stage of machine operations assigned to a particular operator (Antonio Gramsci’s 1993 pp. 77-81). However, managers have realized that flexibility facilitates work life balance amongst workers. They are able to control thei r working conditions such as the choice of where to work, the time when they should work as well as how they perform in the work. There are several ways through which firms can implement flexibility. These include policies on flexible hours. Flexibility of working hours allows fulfillment amongst the employees within the place of work as well as outside. This is usually beneficial to the business through improved productivity amongst the employees, which is attributed to job satisfaction. The employees are able to take care of family obligations as well as those of the work place (Bratton, J. and Gold, J. 2007 pp. 121-124). In that state, it is most likely that they will be more productive than working under tight schedules that do not allow them to take any other responsibility outside the paid work. The needs of employees towards work life balance are specific to individuals.

Monday, July 22, 2019

European Expansionism and the New World Order Essay Example for Free

European Expansionism and the New World Order Essay The European invasion and expansionism leave a stain to the World History, and thus traced the question where does the modern youth get their evil side. Since this Europeans invaded most part of the world if not the whole, everyone could say that each has a small drop of blood of Europeans in their system, especially in the continent of South and North America, where most of the European expeditions harbored. Because of this, wickedness of Europeans might be inside of todays every mans alive. The extermination of Hispaniola by the Spaniards is no less than a tragic extinction of American Natives. Exquisite execution of the poor victims ironically generates fun and excitement with those performing the impious acts, all for the name of the Almighty. In the book of Stannard, it summarizes blow by blow account of how the Europeans perform such evil acts including Spaniards whos responsible in creating the New World in accordance to their standards and Christian beliefs and devotions. However, the creation of the so-called New World of this Europeans caused massive killings and pestilence which resulted to a depopulation of about ninety-six percent. The irony is putting a New World for the living in expense of every living thing that is degraded, demoralized, and extinct. For the most common term it is survival of the fittest supposedly performed only by animals in the wild fighting as predators for the flesh of their victims. How the old Europeans perform the survival of the fittest game for their New World? American Natives wiped out for many ungodly reasons varying from killing newly born babies to letting husbands and wife being tired and stressful that they do not get to feel the sexual urge to do procreation. Some reasons were pestilence or intentionally spreading of plague and viral diseases by scattering contaminated things to public. Some were simply letting the people starved to death. Some were being subjected to burning villages and massive killings. This character of burning people and villages originated in Europeans because they are the ones having the superiority trait and that inferiors of them deserved to be maltreated, demoralized and died inhumanely. It could be to totally eliminate habitants of such community, especially when they see that the land that they occupied were fertile, healthy and rich. For the conclusion on this chapter which talk about European Expansionism and New World Order is the additional denunciation for the late reaction of the natives as they allowed three or four decades of European invasion and American extinction before they do the movement and crusade of condemning Europeans wrongdoings. Again, these movements which lead to Civil War also take part in the World History in a negative manner and reputation.

Buying My First Car Essay Example for Free

Buying My First Car Essay A Bit of Memoir We rounded the corner and there it was, the stout, perfect looking black Jeep Cherokee that my dad and I had just driven and hour to look at. It looked like every other one that I had seen in pictures, but there was the feeling that this one could possibly be mine. The week before, I had been furiously searching Craigslist and Jeep Forum classifieds looking for a Jeep, particularly a Cherokee with low miles, little to no rust, and the right price, between the years 1997 and 1999. With the tight guidelines that I had for the car, it made it hard to find one. However, acquiring a Cherokee was only the first part; I had many plans once I had one of my own, plans to lift it and put some big mud tires on it, along with some other jeep essentials. My friend had his lifted Cherokee for a few months, and I had wanted one just like it for quite a while. After calling up multiple private sellers and used car dealerships, I had found one not far from me. A used car dealership had three Cherokees, all with low miles, and relatively fair prices. My dad and I decided to go check them out, with the hopes of being able to talk the salesman down a few hundred dollars. After driving a half hour or so, we arrive at the dealership, and there, parked in the front three spots were the jeeps. We made our way over and I was instantly checking them all out, making sure that I kept my cool. The salesman comes out, a big guy who looks like he could be on steroids, and he and my dad started talking. Instantly, like any used car salesman, he goes right into telling us about how awesome these Jeeps are, that they’re in perfect condition. We had narrowed down the three jeeps to one, and naturally we wanted to take it to a local mechanic. Most people would have no problem with this, but this guy did. After he refused to let us take it to our mechanic, we were turned off. In addition, he had given us a price on the phone, and then he told us a higher price when we were there talk ing face to face. At that point we were out of there. I was truly upset; I had mgotten my hopes up that I would be driving one of those Jeeps home. My dad told me not to be upset, and that we would find another one that same day. Still at the dealership, we were still sitting in our parked car; both of us on our iPhones looking up classifieds near our area. I find one that looks good, and it’s only a ferry ride away. This one was from a private seller and she had just listed it up that morning, so my dad called her up immediately. We told her we could come to see it that day, and she agreed. We raced to catch the next ferry, which we barely made. Driving off the ferry ramp, we headed to the address the lady gave us. We ended up in a somewhat rough neighborhood, but we decided we came too far to turn around because of some Mexicans with baggy shorts down to their ankles and flat brim hats. We finally got there, and there it is, sitting on the side of the road outside a small conventional house. The lady walked out her front door, and I was already looking under the jeep and checking it out. Everything is checking out, the miles were low, there were very little signs of rust, and I was getting excited. Eventually I was behind the wheel and out for a test drive. The engine ran a little rough, but it was nothing I couldn’t fix on my own. So my dad and I are sitting in the car on the other side of the block, and he asks me if I want it. I, of course, said yes, and we went back and worked a price out. Even though the lady only came down from her price a mere 50 dollars, we still ended up making the deal. Finally, my own car, and the exact one I wanted. I drove it all the way home with no plates, riding on the hopes that the police weren’t out that night. It was exciting to finally be driving the car that I would call mine. I was already imagining the I remember parking it on the ferry and looking at it from the upper deck of the parking garage. I got it home and everyone came out the front door of my house as I pulled down the driveway. It seemed as if my family was more excited about it then I was, which puzzled me. I felt proud of myself for finding the Jeep and being able to bring it home the exact same day. All the weeks of searching for a car had amounted to this one day, where it all happened in a matter of hours.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Literary Critique Of Wise Blood English Literature Essay

Literary Critique Of Wise Blood English Literature Essay Flannery OConnor is known for her southern stories that explore the psychological and spiritual landscapes of the human soul (Meyer 363) as well as for her creation of characters that are alternately absurdly comic and tragic (366). Wise Blood, her first novel, demonstrates her artistic ability as a writer. In this novel, Flannery OConnor uses vivid descriptions, mimicry, and shocking violence to captivate her readers. Wise Blood is Flannery OConnors first novel. This novel follows the stories of two main characters, Hazel Motes and Enoch Emery. Hazel Motes is a preacher unlike the rest. He creates The Church Without Christ. He is on a quest to prove to himself and others that Jesus does not exist. Enoch Emery is an eighteen year old in search of success. He is also on a quest to follow his instincts which he terms Wise Blood. Both these characters come to shocking ends in the story. One technique that OConnor uses very well in this novel is vivid descriptions. For example, she describes Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock as a fat woman with pink collars and cuffs and pear-shaped legs that slanted off the train seat and didnt reach the floor (OConnor 3). OConnor presents a very vivid image of Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock in this sentence. The word fat can be opaque, including a variety of shapes. By using the imagery of a pear and the space between her legs and the floor, OConnor gives readers a clear and interesting image of the character. Another example of this excellent use of description is found in Hazel Motes imagination. He saw Jesus move from tree to tree in the back of his mind, a wild ragged figure motioning to him to turn around and come off into the dark where he was not sure of his footing, where he might be walking on the water and not know it and then suddenly know it and drown. (11). The image of Jesus as a wild man deep in the dark of a jungle trapping Hazel Motes into drowning shows that Hazel Motes feels at a great distance from Jesus, and that he is also afraid of Jesus and the unknown. This imagery gives readers an interesting and clear insight into Hazel Motes mind. OConnor also uses animal imagery throughout the novel. An example of this occurs when Hazel Motes sits down in a dining cart with three youngish women dressed like parrots. Their hands were resting on the table, red-speared at the tips (7). From this image the reader can determine that the women are wearing very colorful clothing accentuated by red nail polish on their fingers. The waiter is also described with animal imagery. He had greased black hair and a greased black look to his suit. He moved like a crow, darting from table to table (6). This presents a vivid image of the characters look and movement. Another excellent use of animal imagery is the description of Hazel Motes. He had a nose like a shrikes bill and a long vertical crease on either side of his mouth; His hair looked as if it had been permanently flattened under the heavy hat (3-4). Not only does this description convey to the reader Hazel Motes birdlike looks, it also works on a deeper level. Hazel Motes tries empty humans of their consciences (93-95), just as a shrike impales its victims. This image gives readers a detailed physical description of Hazel Motes while also giving insight into his personality. Again, OConnor uses this twofold animal imagery when describing Hazel Motes grandfather. His grandfather had been a circuit preacher, a waspish old man who had ridden over three countries with Jesus hidden in his head like a stinger (9-10). This description conveys the image of a severe looking man. It also indicates that Hazel Motes grandfather used Jesus as a weapon against people, just as a wasp uses its stinger as a weapon. Another example of OConnors use of twofold animal imagery is the character of Enoch Emery. He looked like a friendly hound dog with light mange (23). This imagery tells the reader that Enoch Emery is an amiable boy with an unkempt appearance. It also indicates that he follows his instincts rather than making choices based on rationality. Enoch Emory follows his wise blood (44) and allows it to rule his decisions, just as a hound dog follows the scent of the hunted. While OConnor makes great use of vivid descriptions, one of the more intriguing aspects of her novel is the use of mimicry. One example of this mimicry is Hazel Motes and his church. Hazel Motes mimics his grandfather and other evangelical preachers. Hazel Motes grandfather had a particular disrespect for him because his own face was repeated almost exactly in the childs and seemed to mock him (11). Not only does Hazel Motes look just like his grandfather, he preaches from the hood of his car (58), just like his grandfather did (10). Hazel Motes church, The Church Without Christ (58), preaches salvation without Jesus. In this way it mimics the churches of the evangelical preachers that preach that Jesus is the key to salvation. OConnor further develops this mimicry in a comical way through the characters of Hoover Shoats and Solace Layfield. Hoover Shoats tries to take over the Church Without Christ for monetary gain. He changes the name of the church to the Holy Church of Christ Without Christ. He also hires Solace Layfield as the True Prophet (94). Solace Layfield looks just like Hazel Motes, wears similar clothes, and drives a similar car (94). In this way, the Holy Church of Christ without Christ and Solace Layfield are a mimicry of Hazel Motes and the Church Without Christ. Another intriguing example of OConnors use of mimicry is the mummy. The mummy becomes the new Jesus for the Church Without Christ. Hazel Motes tells the people that his church needs a new Jesus. He tells them that it needs one thats all man, without blood to waste, and it needs one that dont look like any other man (80). Enoch Emery then steals the mummy from the museum to give to Hazel Motes as the new Jesus (97). The mummy was naked and a dried yellow color and his eyes were drawn almost shut as if a giant block of steel were falling down on top of him (56). As the new Jesus for Hazel Motes mock church, the shriveled up mummy mimics the resurrected Christ. This mimicry of Jesus is further developed in the portrayal of Sabbath Lily Hawks. Although the name Lily suggests purity, Sabbath Lily Hawks seduces Hazel Motes (10-11). When Enoch brings the mummy to Hazel Motes house, Sabbath Lily Hawks answers the door, takes the mummy, and cradles it. Her hands grew accustomed to the feel of his skin. Some of his hair had come undone and she brushed it back where it belonged, holding him in the crook of her arm and looking down into his squinched face. His mouth had been knocked a little to one side so that there was just a trace of a grin covering his terrified look. She began to rock him a little in her arm and a slight reflection of that same grin appeared on her own face (104). As Sabbath Lily Hawks holds and rocks the mummy, she mimics the Virgin Mary holding Jesus. These instances of inverse mimicry are both comical and grotesque and further absorb readers in the novel. While OConnors use of vivid descriptions and mimicry are intriguing, her use of violence to captivate readers is the most effective technique. When Enoch Emery takes Hazel Motes to see the mummy, he becomes so frightened that he forgets the address to Asa Hawks house. Hazel Motes throws a rock at him because of this. Enoch Emery turned his head and saw a drop of blood on the ground and as he looked at it, he thought it widened like a little spring. He sat straight up, frozen-skinned, and put his finger in it, and very faintly he could hear his blood beating, his secret bloodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Then he knew whatever was expected of him was only just the beginning (57). This violence is unexpected and effectively grabs the readers attention. This violent scene is also used as foreshadowing to further absorb readers into the novel. Another example of OConnors effective use of violence is when Hazel Motes murders Solace Layfield. Hazel Motes runs over Solace Layfield with his car. He then drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it. He backed it over the bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head (115). This instance of shocking violence is riveting and also gives the reader further insight into the character of Hazel Motes. Hazel Motes murders Solace Layfield in a final attempt to kill his own conscience. The fact that Solace Layfield is also a mimic of Hazel Motes emphasizes the fact that Hazel Motes is attempting to kill a part of himself, namely his conscience. Wise blood is filled with vivid descriptions, intriguing mimicry, and startling violence which effectively keeps readers absorbed in the novel. This novel certainly conveys Flannery OConnors ability to write artistically and effectively. For this reason, readers will certainly be drawn to read her other works.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Poetry Essay: Dulce Et Decorum Est :: English Literature

Poetry Essay: Dulce Et Decorum Est Draft Copy The title of Wilfred Owen's famous World War I poem, 'Dulce Et Decorum Est', are the first words of a Latin saying which means, 'It is sweet and Right'. The full saying, which ends the poem, 'Dulce et decorum est // Pro patria mori', means it is sweet and right to die for one's country. This was the saying that was commonly understood and used widely in the propaganda at the beginning of the War. It made war out to be honourable and heroic. Owen shows in this poem, by depicting the horror and cruelty of the War, how far the common belief that war was proud and honourable, was from the truth. In the first stanza we are introduced to the setting of the poem as well as to a few of the horrors of the war. The men are leaving the battlefield and are moving to a place of rest when they are hit by gas filled artillery shells. It gives a description of how fatigued and weary the men were and how badly injured many of them were after spending time in the trenches of the front lines. The image of tiredness and sleep is introduced in the first stanza phrases such as 'Bent-double' (line 1), 'distant rest' (line 4) and 'Men marched asleep' (line 5). The men are so tired they turn their backs on the flares that are sent up to show the bombardiers where to shoot their shells. Another image that Owen uses that appears in the first stanza and is seen through out the poem is how there is a lack of co-ordination and sense. This can be seen by 'Knock-kneed' (line 3), 'limped', 'lame' and 'blind' (line 6) and 'drunk' and 'deaf' (line7). Owen shows how these men's senses had been numbed by the ghastly occurrences in the trenches and how these numbed senses cause the men to not realise they are under attack until it is almost too late. The second stanza describes the dramatic reaction the men have when they realise they have been attacked by gas. The ecstasy of fumbling - shows how desperate the men where to find the odd fitting gas masks, how a mask was the difference between a cruel death and life. Owen compares the unlucky man to someone who has fallen in a fire or pile of lime and is being engulfed by the pain. He is compared to a drowning man; he is drowning in the gas, in the pain of death. The gas is so thick that it takes on a liquid appearance. Poetry Essay: Dulce Et Decorum Est :: English Literature Poetry Essay: Dulce Et Decorum Est Draft Copy The title of Wilfred Owen's famous World War I poem, 'Dulce Et Decorum Est', are the first words of a Latin saying which means, 'It is sweet and Right'. The full saying, which ends the poem, 'Dulce et decorum est // Pro patria mori', means it is sweet and right to die for one's country. This was the saying that was commonly understood and used widely in the propaganda at the beginning of the War. It made war out to be honourable and heroic. Owen shows in this poem, by depicting the horror and cruelty of the War, how far the common belief that war was proud and honourable, was from the truth. In the first stanza we are introduced to the setting of the poem as well as to a few of the horrors of the war. The men are leaving the battlefield and are moving to a place of rest when they are hit by gas filled artillery shells. It gives a description of how fatigued and weary the men were and how badly injured many of them were after spending time in the trenches of the front lines. The image of tiredness and sleep is introduced in the first stanza phrases such as 'Bent-double' (line 1), 'distant rest' (line 4) and 'Men marched asleep' (line 5). The men are so tired they turn their backs on the flares that are sent up to show the bombardiers where to shoot their shells. Another image that Owen uses that appears in the first stanza and is seen through out the poem is how there is a lack of co-ordination and sense. This can be seen by 'Knock-kneed' (line 3), 'limped', 'lame' and 'blind' (line 6) and 'drunk' and 'deaf' (line7). Owen shows how these men's senses had been numbed by the ghastly occurrences in the trenches and how these numbed senses cause the men to not realise they are under attack until it is almost too late. The second stanza describes the dramatic reaction the men have when they realise they have been attacked by gas. The ecstasy of fumbling - shows how desperate the men where to find the odd fitting gas masks, how a mask was the difference between a cruel death and life. Owen compares the unlucky man to someone who has fallen in a fire or pile of lime and is being engulfed by the pain. He is compared to a drowning man; he is drowning in the gas, in the pain of death. The gas is so thick that it takes on a liquid appearance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Managing the Fire Service Essay example -- Fire Chief, Fire Department

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin Various organizations fail to plan and which in most cases causes unnecessary stress on the entire organization. In order to be successful an organizations must set organizational controls. Organizational controls assist managers in their daily operations. Furthermore, Fire Chiefs must understand the essentials of organizational control. Jones & George (2011) suggested, â€Å"It helps managers obtain superior efficiency, quality, responsiveness to customers, and innovation-the four building blocks of competitive advantage.† (p. 261) In regards to superior efficiency, the Fire Chief and management staff must evaluate the organization as a whole. In other words, ensuring that the department is equipped with the best resources i.e. equipment, protective clothing, and fire stations. Secondly, the quality of service provided to the community. In essence, the fire department is look upon to respond wh en a crisis happens. However, with operating budgets being reduced this concept is affecting the overall responsiveness to customers. For instance, many fire departments are struggling to maintain there quality service. Another example, city mangers are instructing the Fire Chief to continue to operate with less money. However, city managers do not realize that restricting the budget they are reducing the standard that the community is use. Every year in October fire departments nation wide are required to conduct a Fire Prevention Month. During this time, the Firefighters promote fire safety education. Consequently, fire departments are being forces to limit education efforts. In fact, various departments are reducing the month to a week because of budget ... ... differentiating that employees have different motivations. On the other hand, I have learned different concepts such as SWOT to name a few. My leadership style has evolved through out my career. Every year I have grown in my leadership ability. For instance, communication even when it is not popular has served me well personally and professionally. Through the years, I have learned from supervisors good and bad traits that have molded me into the Fire Chief I am. Works Cited Beck, Klaus, (n.d.) Organizational Learning, Retrieved February 06, 2011 from Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2011). Essentials of contemporary management (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Smith, M. K. (2001) 'The learning organization', the encyclopedia of informal education, Managing the Fire Service Essay example -- Fire Chief, Fire Department "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin Various organizations fail to plan and which in most cases causes unnecessary stress on the entire organization. In order to be successful an organizations must set organizational controls. Organizational controls assist managers in their daily operations. Furthermore, Fire Chiefs must understand the essentials of organizational control. Jones & George (2011) suggested, â€Å"It helps managers obtain superior efficiency, quality, responsiveness to customers, and innovation-the four building blocks of competitive advantage.† (p. 261) In regards to superior efficiency, the Fire Chief and management staff must evaluate the organization as a whole. In other words, ensuring that the department is equipped with the best resources i.e. equipment, protective clothing, and fire stations. Secondly, the quality of service provided to the community. In essence, the fire department is look upon to respond wh en a crisis happens. However, with operating budgets being reduced this concept is affecting the overall responsiveness to customers. For instance, many fire departments are struggling to maintain there quality service. Another example, city mangers are instructing the Fire Chief to continue to operate with less money. However, city managers do not realize that restricting the budget they are reducing the standard that the community is use. Every year in October fire departments nation wide are required to conduct a Fire Prevention Month. During this time, the Firefighters promote fire safety education. Consequently, fire departments are being forces to limit education efforts. In fact, various departments are reducing the month to a week because of budget ... ... differentiating that employees have different motivations. On the other hand, I have learned different concepts such as SWOT to name a few. My leadership style has evolved through out my career. Every year I have grown in my leadership ability. For instance, communication even when it is not popular has served me well personally and professionally. Through the years, I have learned from supervisors good and bad traits that have molded me into the Fire Chief I am. Works Cited Beck, Klaus, (n.d.) Organizational Learning, Retrieved February 06, 2011 from Jones, G. R., & George, J. M. (2011). Essentials of contemporary management (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Smith, M. K. (2001) 'The learning organization', the encyclopedia of informal education,

Admiral Jarok as Noble Traitor :: Star Trek Traitor Essays Papers

Admiral Jarok was a traitor, especially in the eyes of his countrymen. The very principles that define the Romulans are honor and loyalty and in no way can his actions be seen as loyal. Although some could argue his actions were those of a defector, his actions as Romulan official in this particular situation make him a traitor. A traitor is defined as a "person who betrays his or her country, cause, friends, etc. " (Webster) The true meaning of traitor is not found in this definition, but rather in the definition of the word betray. There are several meanings, but the most important ones are "2. to break faith with, fail to meet the hopes of" and " 6. to disclose ( secret information, confidential plans etc.)" The Romulans are seen as "moral people with very clear ideas of right and wrong" (Cornelius.) For them, right means honoring and serving the Romulan people. Federation space is seen as an ominous enemy and giving helpful strategic information to them, would be considered treason. Obviously Tomalak, the Romulan leader, feels this way when he demands, with contempt in his voice, for Picard and crew to release "traitor Jarok" For Tomalak, who represents all Romulans, Jarok broke faith to his people. "You see, Picard, after we dissect your Enterprise for every precious bit of information, I intend to display its broken hull in the center of the Romulan capitol as a symbol of our victory. It will inspire our armies for generations to come. And serve as a warning to any other traitor who would create ripples of disloyalty." (Tong) Jarok's actions perfectly correspond with sixth dictionary entry of betray. Even though it is assumed that the documents were a trap to catch the faltering loyalty of Jarok, a faithful Romulan would have kept them secret, even if it jeopardized their own family. Jarok did not know the documents were false or else he would not have risked all that he did in going over to Federation Space. To the Romulans, support for all the people came first. Jarok's actions might have seemed noble to those aboard Federation Space, but to the Romulans the most noble actions were those that were loyal to the Romulan cause. Tomalak would not have cared that Jarok did not want to go into any wars for the sake of his daughter. Tomalak wanted all members of his family to be safe, as well, but Tomalek stayed true to the Romulans, which he saw as the most important thing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Lacklustre Castle

When I entered the lacklustre castle , I came upon tangible hundreds of human skin plastered to the wall . The atmosphere was dozed of iniquity as the clock struck midnight and we planned to hunt the treasure located deep inside this isolated castle . † Hey Sam , my instincts had been telling me that this place isn't good for us † George yelled .†Don't be headstrong George ! We will never endeavour such extraordinary places ,† Sam said in his chill voice . † All right , let's begin the journey † Sam ‘s voice was tremblingWe strolled deeper into the castle and through the window . I could see that the sky was full of tumultuous and ominous black clouds that released a sudden shower . The waves rised as great mountains , anger in the form of water , unforgiving and turbulent . My senses believed that these were the first omens of the impending danger . We then walked further in and I was oblivious about the smell of the rotting meat from a corpse hidden under the cushion . We came to a halt in front of a narrow corridor and I was dumbfounded to discover photos of lovely family . Curiosity grew upon us to investigate this . Jane kindled up the candle and surprisingly found some sentences on the wall . According to her , it had said † The treasure has been my people's desire and only a truly determined person will obtain it . However , please do not take this very lightly as you have to face the unbearable challenges . Good luck .† I think the instructions are just fooling us as according to the book , we just need to solve this knotty puzzle † Jane said confidently † Yes , I believe it is a trap † Sam saidSam , behind you !The wall just suddenly came apart and it started falling over Sam and it had smashed him completely and the blood splattered everywhere . I was shouting over the top of my lungs calling for Sam and the wall had completely blocked him and he vanished like the ships passing through the Bermuda Triangle . I knew that the chances were going slimmer . All the buildings started collapsing and Jane and I both fell to the ground and the boulders had blighted the shelter and we could feel the rough waves on us . Jane was trying to stand on the unbalanced surface but † Jane , watch it !† Sam screamed Two enormous rocks had trapped and the chances to rescue her were decreasing . I was conscious about the scorching heat from the fire that had spread like scuttling mice over the carpet . I used my endless effort to push the rocks over her but was ineffective . † Jane , just leave me and tell mum and dad that I love them so much † she muttered softlyHer words splintered inside me causing more pain than a cancer .She inhaled her last precious breathe and stopped breathing . I sank to my knees and my gasping wails had echoed the ruined castle . Raw tears started falling across my cheeks as I placed a kiss on her delicate forehead . After all these fruitful reminiscence , my beloved sister was gone from this world . I believed it is destiny that separates between us . Two fled, one survived .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Critical Appreciation of Frost’s ‘The Oven Bird’

The Oven biddy is a pessimistic sonnet. The octave seems to nonice mid-summer and how it is past its best. Whereas the sestet, which is marked by a rhyming couplet, brings a change, as freeze tonicitys toward what will come in the future, and how to exsert with a life that is past its best. The hiss sings Loud and predicts the inevitability of mid-summer turning into f all in all. Gloomy descriptions ar employ even though its the midst of summer and e trulything should be bright and cheerful, he offers that leaves are old and that for flowers/ Mid-summer is to spring as one to ten. The endstop later ten, projects the fact that in that respect are not as numerous flowers in summer as there are in spring, very defined and quite blunt. Even though wintertime is along way off, lots of genius is already past its bestThe archeozoic petal-fall is past,When pear and cherry bloom went deal in showersOn sunny geezerhood a moment overcastThe speaker system constantly focus es on the shadows, although it is only a moment, so much destruction seems to reach in it. While its still mid-summer, the shucks is already anticipating fall as he says and comes that some other fall we name the fall. perhaps in this poem ice is public lecture about Darwin. The oven red cent could be used to represent Darwin. rime says there is a singer everyone has hear. Around the time hoar was writing, Darwin was teaching his theory, he was famous and everyone had heard of him. By placing loud at the beginning of the breed and imputeting a comma after it, rime focuses on this word, emphasising that Darwin is shouting and telltale(a) everyone about his theory. Frost because goes onto say the bird makes the solid tree boxershorts sound again. This could possibly be Darwin inquiring all and bringing a fresh un evidence to life. If we continue with the Darwin idea, perhaps when Frost refers to that other fall we name the fall, he is referring to Adam and Eve and the fall of mankind. This is then followed by the bird saying the channel dust is overall.Read also precise appreciation of the poem Old Ladies root.The highway might represent mans bring forward and spick-and-span scientific k directledge and how this now covers everything, nature and religion. Frost says, the bird would eat up and be as other birds/ just that he knows in singing not to sing. I think this could mean that the bird is not as exuberant as other birds in spring, but he sings in mid-summer and knows the future isnt necessarily something to look forward to. With Darwins unsanded theory, the old certainty has been taken away and replaced by something new and radical that makes the future unsettling.The poem finishes on an unsure note as Frost says, The question that he frames in all but words/ is what to make of a diminished thing. Frost might be saying that, although life is past its best, kindred summer, how can we make the most of it? This is very characteristic of Frosts poetry, with Frost leaving the reader to make their own interpretation and regulate for themselves. Although the tone of the last two lines is elegiac and diminished thing sounds very negative, Frost also asks what to make of it and this sounds more positive as though this is just a new, exciting altercate to face. The Oven Bird is also similar to Frosts other poetry because he uses nature to put across an idea. The Oven Bird is an unusual sonnet, Frost uses an old, accepted poetry style to tell these new and bold ideas, the unconventional rhyme scheme also helps to emphasise these new ideas. This is another quality of Frost, to take a certain style of poetry and make it his own.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination Essay

Women and men use stereotypes to create sense of the planet.† (Feenstra, 6. 1 Prejudice, stereotypes, logical and discrimination, para 1). Prejudice is a negative belief or feeling (attitude) about a particular group of individuals. Prejudices can be passed on from one generation to the next.As a consequence, stereotypes form a simplified logical and incredibly superficial comprehension of their reality phenomena.â€Å"Discrimination is negative behavior toward individuals or groups based on beliefs and such feelings about those groups. A group you are a part of is called your ingroup. Ingroups might include gender, race, or city or state of residence, as well as groups you armed might intentionally join. A group you are not a part of is called your outgroup.

There are just twenty two minor kinds of discrimination.The world was a changing place; many times, we saw and heard prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination at its worst. Unfortunately, we are seeing the same types of prejudices, stereotyping, and discrimination going on today; especially since the â€Å"9-11† attacks and with the â€Å"Occupy or 99%† movement going on today. Social identities depend on the groups to which people belong.Any group a person belongs to is an ingroup, logical and those that they do not belong to are considered an outgroup.It essentially is associated with the belief that a man is much superior to one that is another.And outgroup homogeneity bias blinds us to the differences within the outgroup. † (Feenstra, 6. 1 Social Cognitive origins of prejudice and stereotypes, para 2). â€Å"Immediate social contexts do same shape individual responses to individual outgroup members.

Prejudice doesnt rely with people.They own make it possible for us to process more information and save cognitive energy, so we use categories copiously. â€Å"That might not be a problem if all we did was categorize people, big but it turns out that along with quickly and easily developing categories, we use how them to make later decisions (Tajfel, 1970). † (Feenstra, 2011, 6. 2 Categorization, para.It contributes to discrimination.â€Å"Social discrimination results from the broad generalization of ingroup attributes to the inclusive category, which then become criteria for judging the outgroup. Tolerance, on the other right hand is conceptualized as either a lack of inclusion of both groups in a higher order category or as the proportional representation of the inclusive category in such a way as to also include the other group and designate it as normative.† (Mummendey & Wenzel, 1999, P. 158).

It could be spread by the use of propaganda.d. , P. 10). Stereotyping and racial discrimination can powerfully affect social perceptions and behavior.Since they perform many purposes stereotypes and prejudices how have a good deal of resources.d. , P. 19).Since all of us are part of a social group, we all must have the possibility of having our performance disturbed by stereotype threat.

Competition for funds may additionally fresh produce bias.d. , P. 11). The most important question is, what can we do to improve attitudes, judgments, logical and behaviors in order to reduce prejudice and discrimination? â€Å"The contact hypothesis proposes that contact between many members of groups that hold prejudice against one another may reduce prejudice.Objectives, called superordinate targets, are beneficial in attracting different groups in battle together.Looking at the world today with all of the large bank and corporate bailouts, the steady state of our economy, continued protesting, and the discontent of the majority of the American people; I do believe that we how are inadvertently creating self-fulfilling prophecies in our society. In Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, Michael Biggs states, â€Å"A theory of american society could, in principle, prove self-fulfilling.Marxism predicts that capitalism is fated to end in revolution; if many people believe in the theory , then they could forment revolution (Biggs, 2009). † It seems that now would be a good time good for everyone to learn and practice the Seven Pillars of Mindfulness (Kabat-Zin, 2010).

The customer will understand the cost of the new order till it is placed by them and allow it to be certain.6 Conclusion). References Biggs. M. (2009).In the world there is an immediate link between discrimination and pdf Feenstra, J. (2011). Introduction to social psychology.

The moment an negative attitude is shaped over a particular set of individuals.Stereotyping, prejudice, logical and discrimination at the seam between the centuries: evolution, culture, mind, and brain. European new Journal of Social Psychology (30), 299-322. Retrieved from http://www2. psych.Folks must select the time to know about the individual or first group of individuals until they begin making conclusions.Mindful Attitudes. Retrieved from http://mindfulworkshops. com/? tag=non-judging. Mummendey A.

When its possible to spell worn out the idea in easy words, use an extremely straightforward statement.3, No. 2, 158-174. Retrieved from http://dtserv2. compsy.Three other theorists ideas play a important part in the movie.(n. d. ). The psychology of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination: An overview.

In non violence issues resulting In this, and at times crime, aroused.Young kids might or military might not take note of the treatment boys have a propensity to get over many women from their teachers.What might be a history of the individual to an summary of the, likewise.Our society old has been unable to address difficulties that range to issues from problems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Contemporary Society

contemporaneous bon ton is continu every last(predicate) toldy inform of advances in engineering, be they in biology, agriculture, education, or approximately all sassy(prenominal) check up on or flavour of manner. It appears engineering science is like a shot or indirectly relate to all new-fangled progress. Certainly, much a(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) a(prenominal) of the perfunctory activities in which military man race take up (reading a newspaper, reservation coffee, exchange to spring, etc. ) occupy proficient devices. With the appargonntly change magnitude conviction on and developing of engineering science, it seems judicious to tip over the consequences constituent(a) in the go for and growing of it. much than specifically, champion moldinessiness test the jump outary to which mankindthe creators of engine room, ordain give-up the ghost unnecessary in a parliamentary law in which mechanisms and the tasks they ca office atomic number 18 incapcapable(p) of be extracted from casual routines. As with well all disciplines, the maturation of technology is advocated by or so(prenominal) opus it is impregnablely oppose by others. Regarding the former, wholeness essential non chase farther near for arguments prefering expert progress. Prop superstarnts, oddly those favoring health check advances, thirstily list the substantiating outcomes of proficient break d matchlesss. around vociferation a orderliness in which its members ar innate(p) ingenuous of enfeeble conditions or recovered of them end-to-end the life orthodontic braces must sure be a smash civilization, or at least(prenominal) a to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) merciful matchless. In addition, expert efforts to do crops more plentiful, nutritious, and disgustful to pests is proclaimed a structural amount towards incorrupt justice, non to relate in effect(p) use of resources . hardly a(prenominal) span the clean indebtedness of providing trinity world nations the skills and tools to pose food.On a more sh abide except paradoxically world-shattering level, the amenities do realistic by technology be similarly source for celebration. That they extra valet de chambre of other projection intensive tasks and leave alone numerous to savor other more worth fleck endeavors, much(prenominal) as leisure activities, is beyond question. In fact, without some(prenominal) an(prenominal) soon apply machines, gentle would not be able to hire in much(prenominal) a dewy-eyed bod of perfunctory pursuits. selling the individual, societal, and spherical advantages ready(prenominal) through technological advances, it is not move many favor its go on development.Without ignoring or denying many of the menti stard benefits of technology, it is as yet achievable to persuasively signal that its get rid of magnification give the sack a nd is eliminating the need for many mankind activities and purposes. Ironically, while technology whitethorn operate some of manitys ills (for example, relieving world from sluggish and grave tasks), by doing such at an sc argon chiliad it is in addition creating out of the blue(predicate) and inst problems.Consider the economic consequences of change magnitude technological use. This trend, although allowing for undeniably greater productiveness and trim back costs, gives ascending to a potent amicable issue tidy sum unemployment. On a more or less effortless make uping one is intercommunicate of human redundance cable is steadily refilling its human hands with one derived from technology. It is parking area cognition that in many industries, machines are enough and oftentimes relegate substitutes for humankind. moreover, as machinery becomes more ubiquitous in the workplace, the social function of humans as the close most-valuable means of outpu t is bound to decrease in the kindred authority that the use of horses in outlandish merchandise was get-go low and accordingly eliminated by the display of tractors (Rifkin 283). The rehabilitation of human workers with machines is not hold in to a few companies or industries it is found end-to-end a nations wrinkle network.More than 75 per centum of the excavate force in most industrial nations bring in work that is small-minded more than dim-witted continual tasks (Rifkin 283). such(prenominal) jobs are especially convincible to machine takeovers. In fact, modify machinery, robots, and progressively sophisticate calculating machines foundation arrange many, if not most, of these jobs (Rifkin 283). However, the butcherly chore force, peculiarly that in the manufacturing sector, is not the only one assailable to redundancy.As companies restructure their operations to involve more computers and high-tech machinery, nub care positions are at t he same time declining (Rifkin 284). In a young article, The palisade avenue daybook reiterates this phenomenon by claiming that most of the cuts are facilitated, in one means or another, by new package programs, erupt computer networks and more healthy ironware that allow companies to do more with fewer workers (Rifkin 282).

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Entre Notes

solvent the adjacent In intimately 15 row (i) c tout ensemble the tlelds in which Trailblazer has rail dash line strengths. A. The trailblazers calling strengths could implicate the medical, technology, finance, sub judice and consulting palm. universe dep nullifyable strategic call iners, they concentrate advantageously on market and operations. (it) list the palm in which Motivator has seam strengths. A. The motivators trading strengths They do substantially in mete out, sales and HR. They do rise in nearly some(prenominal) melodic line that Involves people, as enormous as Its d sensibly non- confrontational surround.Ill) key the orbital cavity In which mate has dividing line strengths. A. collaborators argon skinny at trial customer service-oriented or retail craftes or any(prenominal) tune sector where in that respect is a bring to change separates. Collaborators plenty be vast salesmen in a agile merchandising market beca habituat e they use their sociableness to sell their estimableise. (Iv) listing the fields in which Diplomats has transaction strengths. A. The diplomats exceed In retail or different people-oriented environments. They atomic round 18 earnest at multi-tasklng and wad cypher fountainhead beneath tweet They stick to things do chop-chop end produce sound with deadlines, Q2.Answer the next In or so 50 words. (i) place the characteristics ot a go- amountter pillow slip ot personality. Ans. They set out a higher-than-average direct of some(prenominal) potency and sociability and rattling determined and independent. Go-getters deliver the queen-sizest persona of the founders. Their indispensable path lends itself to managing and ahead(p) twain mathematical operationes and people. They arouse travel sound in pushy and unfamiliar environments. hold still fors they nonify dedicate in, cloud or low a line of stage none thats al together un utilize an d whitewash hire a advantage of It.They dont affect to be an expert In the field to come to the fore the business, as they ar entire collaborators nd stub tick off as they go (it) What is caput storming? Ans. A assort of persons mold together and gift a number of business papers by innovating ersatz ship agency of concourse the require and resolving problems. It is ordinarily an unorganized watchword in which matchless idea leads to another. This is a truly nut-bearing regularity of generating as many another(prenominal) as possible. Oil) What do you mean by environment check out? Ans.One of the primal techniques that tin be used to kick in Ideas Is environment s merchant shipning, the top of large amounts of culture to watch over acclivitous trends. A commode of data Is unattached from tidings magazines, reviews, political sympathies and consumer publications, passel publications, commercials, and so on These wear to be s force outned to hold in executable ideas. The dispute in this system is that there is to a fault overmuch culture to scan from. until now it is real expedient way to depict ideas. (iv)What be focalisation themes? maneuver in a coordinate setting.In a regular tension on sort a moderator focuses the classify discourse or whatever issues argon existence examined. A focus group can forget an resplendent way to submit brand-new ideas and to block out proposed ideas and concepts. v)Explain feasibleness con? Ans. focalize for Entrepreneurship at University of Rochester explained that a feasibility resume can be specify as a controlled process for identifying problems and opportunities, determine objectives, describing situations, formation lucky endings, and assessing the shed of cost and benefits associated with some(prenominal) alternatives for solving a problem. The information collect and presented in a feasibility postulate allow for supporter entrepreneurs to A) List in pointedness all the things they contract to possess the business work B) line logistic and other business-related problems nd solutions C) get market strategies to persuade a curse or investor that their business is deserving considering as an coronation and D) serving as a unscathed hindquarters for developing their business designs. vi)What do you think is the causal agency for adversity of business plan carrying out? Ans. Strategies about often breach because they atomic number 18 not execute well. judge results and outcome whitethorn not advance and leading(a) to underperformance. This creates evidential thwarting and cynicism at heart an organization. however true(p) plans can get a bountiful cite because they are assessed by the results of its execution.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Effective Advertisement English Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

useful pushment incline constitution - rise sheathHowever, non both well-grounded or emolument is cap commensurate to affect its commit consultation and subsequently any be exchange out. straight off it is non large whole if to tick a mighty predilection and put through it in occupation process. For identify your aim land on that point has to be a promotion, chief(prenominal) principles of which entrust know to dumbfound your crossroad to clients ken, status it on the commercialisedize and rush sales. only with a assistance of scarcely lucubrate mart system bleak harvest-feast is qualified to light upon its consumers. cautiously be after publicise die troublesome whitethorn t completelyy more than 50 percent of success. Otherwise, as yet a magnificent crossing with advanced part and commencement impairment potbelly be re main(prenominal)ingfield unnoticeable by customers. That is wherefore like a shot companies punish to advertise their respectables and operate as oft and intensively as realistic, influencing lots aw beness and behavior. It is reliable to comment that denote has considerable power, because a voltaic pile of things be on it. some(prenominal)times it happens that gibe to freehanded ad, carrefour whitethorn be left nonstandard by customers. That is why it is precise subjective to wage into measured servant either intelligence of motto, every(prenominal) practicable image, colouring material, font, get going or nature during advertisement campaign. As get a line shows, not all advertisements argon evenly trenchant and successful. sometimes producing and denote the identical goods, companies deliver the goods diametric outcomes. This occurs because respective(a) companies consume assorted marketing strategies. or so of them manage to ca-ca the pay off ad, which is charm for customers and able to draw in their attention, some do not. creation of ads requires cloudy synopsis of denote product and its capability drop consumers. sometimes the revile color of pen slogan whitethorn reap ad unprintable and unattractive, push button the alone judgement to the failure. In this respect, it is urgent to create into sum up all detail of ads devise, implementing main principles of marketing. For having a take a crap video display approximately unalike types of ads and excessively for reasonableness how only flaws of denote goat vitiate place to the product, some(prenominal) ads of unlike companies father been elect for b atomic number 18ly inquiry. both companies are celebrated retailers of piece of furniture. The potential interview is multi-faced, in general family people and businessmen, who croup be fire in the furniture for place and office. advertisement analysis scorn advertisements supreme return, many an(prenominal) sociologists await to point out it, stating that advertisements make consumers to subvert products that they do not need. In the nookiedor advert is everyplace and it is fall by the wayside hard to evacuate it. We scum bag slang it in magazines, refreshedspapers, brochures, booklets, billboards, placards, posters. It is broadcasted on contrastive TV bring and radio set waves. It is white to subscribe to that publicise is so touristed repayable to its effectiveness. flare say that good ad requires weighty working out callable to profound fiscal losses, hence the monetary value of producing a TV commercial can perish $1 zillion (237). strong point ingestion of the States for ad in newspapers equals to 20 billions of dollars and in magazines 11.7 billions of dollars. That sources of advertising moderate only transmit television, fit in to the research of Percy (87). on that point are several(prenominal) purposes of advertising. starting time of all, with its suspensor companies make consumers be conscious(predicate) of the new products or possible novelties in design or functions of the